module, geo, cal, dlp, tau, outfile, res=0.75, rng='all', wtype='kbmd20', norm=True, bfac=True, sigma=2e-13, verbose=True, psitype='Fresnel8'), geo, cal, dlp, res, outfile='outfile.pdf', wtype='kbmd20', psitype='cfresnel4'), geo, cal, dlp, tau=None, res=[1.0], rng='all', wtype='kbmd20', psitype='Fresnel4', norm=True, bfac=True, sigma=2e-13, verbose=True, res_factor=0.75, outfile='galleryplot.pdf', ymin=-0.2, ymax=1.4)
Create a set of plots of the same ring feature at various resolutions as specified by the user.
rev (str):The rev number. Ex: rev = “Rev007”
geo (str):The location of the geo file. Ex: geo = “/path/to/geo”
:cal (str)
The location of the cal file. Ex: dlp = “/path/to/cal”
dlp (str):The location of the dlp file. Ex: dlp = “/path/to/dlp”
tau (str):

The location of the tau file. If set, this plots the PDS power, as well as the user reconstructed power. Ex: tau = “/path/to/tau”

res (list):

The set of requested resolution to process and plot. The values should be floating point values and take the sampling theorem into consideration. Ex: res = [0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.2]

rng (list or str):

The requested range for diffraction correction. Preferred input is rng = [a,b]. Arrays are allowed and the range will be set as:

rng = [MIN(array), MAX(array)]

Finally, certain strings containing a few of the regions of interests within the rings of Saturn are allowed. Permissable strings are:

‘all’ [1.0, 400000.0]
‘cringripples’ [77690.0, 77760.0]
‘encke’ [132900.0, 134200.0]
‘enckegap’ [132900.0, 134200.0]
‘janusepimetheus’ [96200.0, 96800.0]
‘maxwell’ [87410.0, 87610.0]
‘maxwellringlet’ [87410.0, 87610.0]
‘titan’ [77870.0, 77930.0]
‘titanringlet’ [77870.0, 77930.0]
‘huygens’ [117650.0, 117950.0]
‘huygensringlet’ [117650.0, 117950.0]

Strings are neither case nor space sensitive. For other planets use rng = [a,b]. Default value is set to ‘all’ which processes [1, 400000] Values MUST be set in kilometers.

wtype (*str):

The requested tapering function for diffraction correction. A string with several allowed inputs:

‘rect’ Rectangular Window.
‘coss’ Squared Cosine Window.
‘kb20’ Kaiser-Bessel 2.0 Window.
‘kb25’ Kaiser-Bessel 2.5 Window.
‘kb35’ Kaiser-Bessel 3.5 Window.
‘kbmd20’ Modified kb20 Window.
‘kbmd25’ Modified kb25 Window.

The variable is neither case nor space sensitive. Default window is set to ‘kb25’. See window_functions submodule for further documentation.

norm (bool):

A Boolean for determining whether or not the reconstructed complex transmittance is normalize by the window width. This normalization is the complex transmittance that is computed by using free space divided by the complex transmittance that is computed using free space weighted by the selected tapering function. Default is True.

bfac (bool):

A Boolean for determining whether or not the ‘b’ factor in the window width computation is used. This is equivalent to setting the Allen Deviation for the spacecraft to a positive value or to zero. If set to False, the Allen Deviation is assumed to be zero. If set to True the Allen Deviation is set to 2e-13, or whichever number you wish to specify in the sigma keyword (See below). Default is True.

sigma (float):

The Allen deviation for the spacecraft. If the bfac keyword (See above) is set to False, this is ignored. If bfac is set to True, and sigma is NOT specified, then sigma=2e-13 will be used, which is the Allen deviation for Cassini with 1 second integration time. For spacecraft other than Cassini, you should provide the Allen deviation yourself. Default is sigma=2e-13

psitype (str):

A string for determining what approximation to the geometrical ‘psi’ function is used. Several strings are allowed:

‘full’ No Approximation is applied.
‘MTR2’ Second Order Series from MTR86.
‘MTR3’ Third Order Series from MTR86.
‘MTR4’ Fourth Order Series from MTR86.
‘Fresnel’ Standard Fresnel approximation.

The variable is neither case nor space sensitive. Default is set to ‘full’.

verbose (bool):

A Boolean for determining if various pieces of information are printed to the screen or not. Default is False.

outfile (str):

Path to the output folder and the name of the pdf that is to be created. Ex: outfile = “/path/to/outfile.pdf”

res_factor (float):

Floating point number used as a scale factor for the resolution for the sake of consistency with the PDS results. The definition of resolution adopted in the PDS and the definition specified in MTR86 differs by a scale of about 0.75. To skip this, set res_factor = 1.0.

ymin (float):

The minimum y value to be plotted. Ex: ymin = -0.2

ymax (float):

The maximum y value to be plotted. Ex: ymax = 1.5