rss_ringoccs.diffrec package

Subpackage Name:
Provide functions and classes that aid in the process of Diffraction Correction / Fresnel Inversion. Additional functions for the purpose of forward modelling of reconstructed data and diffraction modelling are included. Special mathematical functions and solutions to common problems in diffraction theory are also included.

This submodule is good for modeling the geometry of a given occultation, and for comparing your results to the results obtained by others (Ex. Results on the PDS). This submodule contains the following:

Class Used for running diffraction correction on a given set of diffracted data and then comparing the outcome to a given set of reconstructed data.
Class Given a set of data and a reconstruction, this class will run diffraction correction over a set of resolutions. The output contains the L_2 and L_infinity difference of the two reconstructions as a function of resolution.
Class Given a set of geometry data, this class create modeled data of the solution of diffraction through a Dirac-Delta impulse function. Reconstruction is then perform on the mock-data. This tool is good for modeling the problem and determining resolution constraints based on the geometry available.

This is the main sub-module in the entire subpackage. Given a set of diffracted data and a requested resolution (in kilometers), diffraction corrections will be performed to produce a diffraction corrected profile. This submodule comtains the following:

Class Given a requested resolution and an instance of the NormDiff class (See Calibration subpackage), this produces a diffraction corrected profile.
Special Functions:

fresnel_sin………The Fresnel sine integral. fresnel_cos………The Fresnel cosine integral. sq_well_solve…….Diffraction pattern through square well. compute_norm_eq…..Computes the normalized equivalent width. resolution_inverse..Computes the inverse of the function

y = x/(exp(-x)+x-1)

fresnel_scale…….Compute the Fresnel scale.


rect…………….Rectangular window. coss…………….Squared cossine window. kb20…………….Kaiser-Bessel 2.0 window. kb25…………….Kaiser-Bessel 2.5 window. kb35…………….Kaiser-Bessel 3.5 window. kbmd20…………..Modified Kaiser-Bessel 2.0 window. kbmd25…………..Modified Kaiser-Bessel 2.5 window. get_range_actual….Given an array of numbers (usually the

radial range of the data), a range request, and a window width, compute the allowed range of processing.