rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry module


Functions for calculating occultation geometry parameters listed in *GEO.LBL file from Archived_Cassini_RSS_RingOccs_2018/ and other useful geometry information, such as free-space regions and planetary occultation times.

  1. spiceypy
  2. numpy
  3. scipy
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.calc_B_deg(et_vals, spacecraft, dsn, nhat_p, kernels=None, ref='J2000')

This calculates ring opening angle, or the observed ring elevation, as the complement to the angle made by the planet pole vector and the spacecraft to DSN vector

et_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of earth-received times in ephemeris seconds.
dsn (str):DSN observing station ID – must be compatible with NAIF.
nhat_p (np.ndarray):
 1x3 array unit vector in planet pole direction.
Keyword Arguments
kernels (str or list):
 List of NAIF kernels, including path.
ref (str):Reference frame to be used in spiceypy calls. Default is ‘J2000’
B_deg_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of ring opening angle in degrees.
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.calc_B_eff_deg(B_deg, phi_ora_deg)

This calculates the effective ring opening angle in degrees.

B_deg (float or np.ndarray):
 Ring opening angle in degrees.
phi_ora_deg (float or np.ndarray):
 Observed ring azimuth in degrees.
B_eff_deg (float or np.ndarray):
 Effective ring opening angle in degrees.
  1. Reference: [GRESH86] Eq. 16
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.calc_D_km(t1, t2)

This calculates the light distance between two input times, in km.

t1 (np.ndarray):
 Array of time in seconds.
t2 (np.ndarray):
 Array of time in seconds.
D_km_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of light distance in km.
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.calc_F_km(D_km_vals, f_sky_hz_vals, B_deg_vals, phi_ora_deg_vals)

This calculates the Fresnel scale using Eq. 6 of [MTR1986].

D_km_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of spacecraft to ring intercept point distances in km.
f_sky_hz_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of downlink sinusoidal signal frequency at the front-end of observing dsn station, in Hz.
B_deg_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of ring opening angle in degrees.
phi_ora_deg_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of observed ring azimuth in degrees.
F_km_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of Fresnel scale in km.
  1. diffcorr uses an independently-calculated Fresnel scale
  2. Reference: [MTR1986] Equation 6
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.calc_beta(B_deg, phi_ora_deg)

This calculates the optical depth enhancement factor.

B_deg (float or np.ndarray):
 Ring opening angle in degrees.
phi_ora_deg (float or np.ndarray):
 Observed ring azimuth in degrees.
beta (np.ndarray):
 Optical depth enhancement factor.
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.calc_elevation_deg(et_vals, target, obs, kernels=None)

Calculate the elevation of a target above the horizon for a given observer.

et_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of observed event times in ET sec.
target (str):Target name – must be compatible with NAIF. This will typically be spacecraft or planet name.
obs (str):Observer name – must be compatible with NAIF. This will typically be observing dsn station name. Observer is assumed to be on Earth.
kernels (str or list):
 List of NAIF kernels, including path.
elev_deg_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of elevation angles in degrees.
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.calc_impact_radius_km(R_sc_km_vals, et_vals, spacecraft, dsn, nhat_p, ref='J2000', kernels=None)

This calculates the closest approach of the spacecraft signal to the planet defined as a sphere.

R_sc_km_vals (list):
 List of 3-element arrays of spacecraft position vector in planetocentric frame at input et_vals.
et_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of Earth-received times in ephemeris seconds.
spacecraft (str):
 Spacecraft name
dsn (str):DSN observing station ID
nhat_p (np.ndarray):
 1x3 array unit vector in planet pole direction.
Keyword Arguments
kernels (list):List of NAIF kernels, including path.
ref (str):Reference frame to be used in spiceypy calls. Default is ‘J2000’
R_imp_km_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of impact radius in km.
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.calc_phi_deg(et_vals, rho_vec_km_vals, spacecraft, dsn, nhat_p, ref='J2000', kernels=None)

This calculates observed ring azimuth and ring longitude.

et_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of earth-received time in ET seconds.
rho_vec_km_vals (np.ndarray):
 Nx3 array of ring intercept position vectors in km.
spacecraft (str):
 Name of spacecraft
dsn (str):DSN observing station ID
nhat_p (np.ndarray):
 1x3 array unit vector in planet pole direction.
Keyword Arguments
kernels (str or list):
 List of NAIF kernels, including path
ref (str):Reference frame to be used in spiceypy calls. Default is ‘J2000’
phi_rl_deg_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of inertial longitude in degrees.
phi_ora_deg_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of observed ring azimuth in degrees.
  1. phi_ora_deg differs from the [MTR1986] definition by 180 degrees.
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.calc_rho_km(et_vals, planet, spacecraft, dsn, kernels=None, ring_frame=None)

Calculate the distance between Saturn center to ring intercept point.

et_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of observed event times in ET sec.
planet (str):Planet name
spacecraft (str):
 Spacecraft name
dsn (str):DSN observing station ID
Keyword Arguments
kernels (str or list):
 List of NAIF kernels, including path.
ring_frame (str):
 Ring plane frame. Default is the equatorial frame, (e.g. ‘IAU_SATURN’)
rho_km_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of ring intercept points in km.
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.calc_rho_vec_km(et_vals, planet, spacecraft, dsn, ref='J2000', kernels=None, verbose=False, ring_frame=None)

This calculates the position vector of the ring intercept point from the planet center in J2000 frame.

et_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of earth-received times in ET sec
planet (str):Name of planet
spacecraft (str):
 Name of spacecraft
dsn (str):DSN observing station ID
Keyword Arguments
kernels (str or list):
 Path to NAIF kernels
verbose (bool):Option for printing processing steps
ring_frame (str):
 Ring plane frame. Default is the equatorial frame, (e.g. ‘IAU_SATURN’)
ref (str):Reference frame to be used in spiceypy calls. Default is ‘J2000’
rho_vec_km_vals (list):
 List of 3xN np.ndarrays of the planet center to ring intercept point position vector in J2000 frame
t_ret_et_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of ring event times in ET seconds.
  1. Ring intercept point calculation using a dynamical frame. See [NAIF] page 19.
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.calc_rip_velocity(rho_km_vals, phi_rl_deg_vals, dt)

This calculates the ring intercept point radial and azimuthal velocity.

rho_km_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of ring intercept points in km.
phi_rl_deg_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of ring longitudes in degrees.
dt (float):Constant time spacing between points.
rho_dot_kms_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of ring intercept radial velocities in km/s.
phi_rl_dot_kms_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of ring intercept azimuthal velocties in km/s.
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.calc_sc_state(et_vals, spacecraft, planet, dsn, nhat_p, ref='J2000', kernels=None)

This calculates spacecraft state vector in a planetocentric frame.

et_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of spacecraft event times in ET seconds.
spacecraft (str):
 Spacecraft name
planet (str):Planet name
dsn (str):Deep Space Network observing station ID
nhat_p (np.ndarray):
 1x3 array unit vector in planet pole direction.
Keyword Arguments
kernels (str or list):
 Path to NAIF kernel(s)
ref (str):Reference frame to be used in spiceypy calls. Default is ‘J2000’
R_sc_km_vals (list):
 List of Nx3 np.ndarrays of spacecraft position vector in km in planetocentric frame
R_sc_dot_kms_vals (list):
 List of Nx3 np.ndarrays of spacecraft velocity vector in km/s.
  1. Saturn planetocentric frame is defined by x-axis parallel to projection of spacecraft-to-Earth line-of-sight, z-axis in direction of Saturn’s pole.
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.calc_set_et(et_vals, spacecraft, dsn, kernels=None)

This calculates the time at which photons left the spacecraft, in ET sec.

et_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of earth-received times in ET seconds.
spacecraft (str):
dsn (str):Deep Space Network observing station ID
Keyword Arguments
kernels (str or *list):
 Path to NAIF kernels
t_set_et_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of spacecraft event times in ET sec.
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.find_gaps(t_ret_spm_vals, year, doy, rho_km_vals, phi_rl_deg_vals, niter=100, tolerance=0.001, t0=2454467.0, gaps_file='../tables/gap_orbital_elements.txt', kernels=None)

Find regions of free-space power (gaps) in the ring system.

t_ret_spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 Ring event times in SPM
year (str):Reference year for seconds past midnight
doy (str):Reference day of year for seconds past midnight
rho_km_vals (np.ndarray):
 Ring intercept points in km
phi_rl_deg_vals (np.ndarray):
 Inertial ring longitude in deg.
Keyword Arguments
niter (int):Maximum number of iterations
tolerance (float):
 Minimum difference between new and old guess for converging on a solution
t0 (float):Reference epoch UTC 2008 January 1 12:00:00 for values in gaps_file, in Julian date
gaps_file (str):
 Path to text file with orbital elements of Saturn ring features
kernels (str or list):
 Path to NAIF kernels
gap_bounds (list):
 List of 1x2 lists of gap boundaries in km
  1. Reference: [NICH14]
  2. Given the default “gaps_file” keyword argument, this script must be run in a directory one level below the top-level rss_ringoccs directory.
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.get_freespace(t_ret_spm_vals, year, doy, rho_km_vals, phi_rl_deg_vals, t_oet_spm_vals, atmos_occ_spm_vals, kernels=None, split_ind=None)

Return list of gap boundaries (inner and outer edge) in distance from center of Saturn and in seconds past midnight.

t_ret_spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 Ring event times in SPM
year (str):Reference year for seconds past midnight
doy (str):Reference day of year for seconds past midnight
rho_km_vals (np.ndarray):
 Ring intercept points in km
phi_rl_deg_vals (np.ndarray):
 Inertial ring longitude in deg.
t_oet_spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 Observed event times in SPM
atmos_occ_spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 SPM times of when spacecraft signal is blocked by planet atmosphere
Keyword Arguments
kernels (str or list):
 Path to NAIF kernels
split_ind (int):
 Index of when a chord event switches from ingress to egress
gaps_km (list):List of 1x2 lists of gap boundaries in km
gaps_spm (list):
 List of 1x2 lists of gap boundaries in SPM
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.get_freespace_km(ret_spm, year, doy, rho_km, phi_rl_deg)

Get all free-space regions, in and outside ring system.

ret_spm (np.ndarray):
 Ring event times in SPM
year (str):Reference year

:doy (str) Reference day of year :rho_km (np.ndarray): Ring intercept points in km :phi_rl_deg (np.ndarray): Inertial ring longitudes in deg

freespace_km (list):
 List of free-space boundaries in km
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.get_planet_occ_times(et_vals, obs, planet, spacecraft, height_above=500.0, kernels=None)

Return times when the spacecraft-to-observer ray is blocked by planet.

et_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of observed event times in ET sec.
obs (str):Observer name
planet (str):Planet name
spacecraft (str):
 Spacecraft name
Keyword Arguments
height_above (float):
 Height in km to be added to planet radius to account for the atmosphere
kernels (str or list):
 Path to NAIF kernels
et_blocked_vals (np.ndarray):
 Array of observed event times in ET
  1. This was made to be generalizable to different planets, but has been only tested with planet=’Saturn’.
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.get_pole(et, planet, kernels=None)

Calculate unit vector in pole direction from kernel constants.

et (float):Ephemeris seconds past J2000
planet (str):Planet name
Keyword Arguments
kernels (str or list):
 Path to NAIF kernels
nhat_p (np.ndarray):
 1x3 unit vector in pole direction.
  1. Quadratic terms for pole direction are typically zero but are retained here for consistency with PCK file format definitions.
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.get_start_jd(year, doy)

Get the start of a day in Julian date times.

year (str):Year
doy (str):Day of year
start_jd (float):
 Julian date time of the start of a day
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.rad_converge(t_ret_spm_vals, rho_km_vals, phi_rl_deg_vals, semimajor, eccentricity, curlypi_0, curlypi_dot, niter=100, tolerance=0.001)

Computes initial guess for radius of ring feature using the semimajor axis. Selects time and longitude closest to guess and computes true anomaly for a new radius guess. Continues this estimation method iteratively until difference between new and old radius guesses is less than some tolerance or maximum number of iterations is reached.

t_ret_spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 Ring event times in SPM.
rho_km_vals (np.ndarray):
 Ring intercept points in km.
phi_rl_deg_vals (np.ndarray):
 Inertial ring longitude in deg.
semimajor (float):
 Semimajor axis of ring feature in km.
eccentricity (float):
 Eccentricity of ring feature.

curlypi_0 (*float): Longitude of periapse in degrees. curlypi_dot (*float): Apsidal precession rate in degrees/day.

Keyword Arguments
niter (int):Maximum number of iterations
tolerance (float):
 Minimum difference between new and old guess for converging on a solution
radius_new (float):
 Estimated radius of ring feature in km
  1. Reference: [NICH14]
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.remove_blocked(t_oet_spm_vals, atmos_occ_spm_vals, t_ret_spm_vals, phi_rl_deg_vals, rho_km_vals)

Remove values that occur during times blocked by planet atmosphere.

t_oet_spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 Observed event times in SPM
atmos_occ_spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 SPM times of when spacecraft signal is blocked by planet atmosphere
t_ret_spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 Ring event times in SPM
phi_rl_deg_vals (np.ndarray):
 Inertial ring longitude in deg.
rho_km_vals (np.ndarray):
 Ring intercept points in km
t_ret_spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 Ring event times in SPM, excluding atmospheric occultation times
t_oet_spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 Observed event times in SPM, excluding atmospheric occultation times
phi_rl_deg_vals (np.ndarray):
 Inertial ring longitude in deg, excluding atmospheric occultation times
rho_km_vals (np.ndarray):
 Ring intercept points in km, excluding atmospheric occultation times
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.split_chord_arr(t_ret_spm_vals, t_oet_spm_vals, atmos_occ_spm_vals, phi_rl_deg_vals, rho_km_vals, ind, profdir)

Return array of only ingress or egress portion of a chord occultation.

t_ret_spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 Ring event times in SPM
t_oet_spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 Observed event times in SPM
atmos_occ_spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 SPM times of when spacecraft signal is blocked by planet atmosphere
phi_rl_deg_vals (np.ndarray):
 Inertial ring longitude in deg.
rho_km_vals (np.ndarray):
 Ring intercept points in km
ind (int):Index of where ingress switches to egress
profdir (str):Profile direction to return (‘“INGRESS”’ or ‘“EGRESS”’)
t_ret_spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 Ring event times in SPM of ‘profdir’ portion of occultation
t_oet_spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 Observed event times in SPM of ‘profdir’ portion of occultation
phi_rl_deg_vals (np.ndarray):
 Inertial ring longitude in deg of ‘profdir’ portion of occultation
rho_km_vals (np.ndarray):
 Ring intercept points in km of ‘profdir’ portion of occultation
rss_ringoccs.occgeo.calc_occ_geometry.xform_j2k_to_pcf(vec, et, spacecraft, dsn, nhat_p, ref='J2000', kernels=None)

Transform vector in J2000 frame to planet ring plane frame.

vec (np.ndarray):
 3-element vector in J2000 frame
et (float):ET in seconds corresponding to input vec
dsn (str):DSN observing station ID
nhat_p (np.ndarray):
 1x3 array unit vector in planet pole direction.
Keyword Arguments
kernels (str or list):
 Path to NAIF kernels
out_vec (np.ndarray):
 3-element vector in planet ring plane frame.