rss_ringoccs.calibration.calc_freq_offset module


Class for computing the frequency corresponding to the maximum power in the FFT power spectrum

  1. numpy
class rss_ringoccs.calibration.calc_freq_offset.calc_freq_offset(rsr_inst, spm_min, spm_max, dt_freq=2.0)

Bases: object

Purpose:Calls functions to sample raw signal at regular intervals using a window of width dt_freq
rsr_inst (object):
 Object instance of the RSRReader class
spm_min (float):
 Minimum observed event time for sampling
spm_max (*float):
 Maximum observed event time for sampling
Keyword Arguments
dt_freq (float):
 half the width of the FFT window
spm_vals (np.ndarray):
 Observed event time at full sampling
IQ_m (np.ndarray):
 Uncorrected real and imaginary components of signal
dt (float):Raw time sampling from spm_vals
dt_freq (float):
 half the width of the FFT window
spm_min (float):
 Minimum time for sampling
spm_max (float):
 Maximum time for sampling
f_spm (np.ndarray):
 Observed event time for frequency offset
f_offset (np.ndarray):
 Frequency offset, or frequency at max power